Saturday, February 12, 2011

Household Goods

We have been here for about a month and finally our household goods have arrived. We shipped it two months prior - must be a slow ship (as my grandmother said). The Army had lended us furniture while we were waiting for our things to arrive. Unfortunately they couldn't come and pick it all up before our things were delivered. So, we stacked it all on top of each other while the movers set up their tarps and prepared to unload the truck.

Here is the first truck with our Household Goods on it.

It was rainy and icey. They insisted on putting rock salt outside our entrance, so all day they were tracking in mud and giant granules of salt. Our floor was white by the time they were done.

The stacks.

The movers broke for lunch around noon for an hour. Right before they got back witht the second truck, the government showed up and loaded up all of their furniture. We were greatful to have had it, but glad it was finally out of the way. It's taken two weeks but things are mostly put away.

Here is the entrance.

The living room with our family photo wall,

The rest of the room with my Four Old Men painting, and Ben's Drill Sergeant Hat.

The dinning room.


Maddox's room, which was clean 5 minutes ago. He is hiding behind his barn because he just went "number two".

The toddler bed that I put together with a can opener and a knife because I had no tools (quite proud of myself).

Germany is known for it's beer, but I was surpriesed to see that we are surrounded by little vineyards here, so last night we tried our first bottle of German wine. It was very good.

Today the weather is decent enough to take the boys out. It is still a little chilly when the sun isn't shining, but getting Maddox out of the house has got to be a priority. He had a great time playing on the little kid playground near our apartment.

I ran around the side of the playground and scared him.


Scared him again. He jumps, but he laughs so hard!

Loves the slide.

Carson was a good sport.

Pooped out early and taking up all of mommy and daddy's bed. This could be a problem....I think we need a king size.

They are the cutest!

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